Real is all we know at Journey Church:
real relationships, real struggles, real advice, real faith in each other and in Jesus.


so that people will meet Jesus and journey with him.


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How we live


we recklessly run with Jesus

“gratitude” is our middle name

we be what we want to see

we can’t do this alone

real is all we know

we bring it

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We believe that the decisions you make about God are the most important decisions you’ll ever make.


Who is God? What does He want for my life? How do I know? We know what those questions are like. We’ve been there, and we want to guide you along in your decisions about God. Journey is a church for people in every stage of their relationship with God, even if you’ve never had one before, so we are a church where you can belong before you believe.

Here’s what we believe in a paragraph: We believe that God sent His son, Jesus, to live a perfect life and die the death we deserve in order for us to have a perfect relationship with Him. Not only did Jesus die on the cross, but he rose again from the dead, conquering the grave! The way we make the decision to accept Jesus and make him the center of our life is by believing in him, following him, and being immersed into him in baptism for the forgiveness of our sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit. We believe that God’s Word, the Bible, is the ultimate authority for our life and when we adjust our lives (submit) to it we will discover the best life possible. Finally, we believe that God loves you for who you are and not as you should be because none of us are as we should be, but God is inviting us on a journey to become greater.